Levi's Birth Story + Lifestyle Newborn Session | Vancouver Documentary Photographer

Levi's Birth Story + Lifestyle Newborn Session | Vancouver Documentary Photographer

Laura and I met just before she got pregnant with Levi. We became internet BFF’s pretty fast as we are both photographers and moms and totally connected. We decided to trade newborn photos for Levi for Family photos for us (If you want to see our Family session, you can find it on her blog HERE!), then soon after, they also hired me to be their doula...

BLOOM Tulip Festival | 2017

BLOOM Tulip Festival | 2017

I was so bummed to miss going to one of the Tulip Festivals this year. There's one in Abbotsford called Bloom, and one in Chilliwack called Tulips of the Valley. Bloom was extended, so my mom and I packed up the kids on Monday morning and headed for Tulips! The weather was PERFECTLY cloudy. It rained a bit on our drive there, so I actually ran to Michaels (well, 10 minutes out of the way) to pick up a clear umbrella...

A Beautiful Hospital Birth with Midwives | VANCOUVER, BC, Birth Photographer + Doula

A Beautiful Hospital Birth with Midwives | VANCOUVER, BC, Birth Photographer + Doula

I got the call at about 2:30am on baby’s birthday. After a false alarm the week before, it was go-time! Leanne’s water had broken and contractions had started to get steady and little intense. I told them to call me as soon as they felt they needed me, and I got another call about 10 minutes later that it was time to come. I gathered my belongings and headed for my car...

Day in the Life MARCH | These are the Days 2017

Day in the Life MARCH | These are the Days 2017

This month I tried to pick the most interesting day, but the rain made it very...indoors. It's pretty much been raining here forever. Like most rain/snow since 1937. We miss the sun.

Our day started like a pretty normal day. Skipping school, breakfast (not pictured) Frozen Soundtrack dance party (also not pictured)...getting an injury from said dance party, and my littlest sabotaging my bathroom while I tried to get ready for our long day while taking photos all at the same time...

Baby Harrison | Lifestyle Newborn Photographer - Langley BC

Baby Harrison | Lifestyle Newborn Photographer - Langley BC

When I get to do a session for a friend, it’s amazing. I love to see my friends grow their families and grow into being parents, it’s such a beautiful thing.

Nikole and I have known each other for over 15 years, and have been good friends for about 12 of those years. We have been through a lot together, were in each others’ weddings, and are now both mamas and growing children! It’s been a privilege to walk alongside her in this journey...

Baby Caroline's | Lifestyle Newborn Photography, Vancouver BC

Baby Caroline's | Lifestyle Newborn Photography, Vancouver BC

Caroline's mama Laurel and I have known each other for a couple years now, and she sadly missed out on being able to get newborn photos with her first baby, but once miracle baby #2 arrived, it was definitely a must to get some of both of their beautiful girls!

Their family loves the outdoors, so we had to do something with big sister’s amazing tree stump pillow, because it’s pretty much the coolest pillow ever. Seriously check it out below, along with the classic mom booger cleanup ;)